Random post about today
Sarcasm is great.
Sitcoms make me happy.
Sorry about starting the sentences with "S"-es again.
Shat it, my art is still as dead as ever because I'm distracted ohh right.
So, does that say anything about me being random? =)
Blobby Bobby's turning out to be a fine young man, I shaped his eyes out this morning before Sarah and I placed it in the sun for it to be baked HAHA. Its not as blobby and guess what, WE FOUND ANOTHER BOTTLE OF EXPIRED PAINT! Gonna save it for some eh, supervisor-less day :D
So...I finished painting the neck and a hand of my model today. Yeah. Ms Kwa says I'm painting it in a dabbing style but honestly, I painted without thinking about anything so I better learn how to do it the smooth way. Pardon me, but this sounds kinda wrong.
Guess the most productive part of the day must be the morning, because I practically did NOTHING after I came back from PW meeting with ashiqin, yao, annisaa and azizah. We did discuss quite a fair bit, yes, but most of the time was spent on PALM-READING by the oh-so-knowlegeable yao:
1. I'm gonna have a lousy career (I wanna be a housewife after 5 years anyway)
2. I'm gonna have a long and smooth sailing life
3. My husband's gonna be OKAY to me, not particularly nice but not bad at all either
4. My husband's smile is WIDE
5. I'm not an exactly healthy person (this I know so well)
6. I'll get married in my mid-twenties (hell yeah)
I think he left a last one out, I'm turning weirder by the day and it freaks me out.
Watching Friends (the awesome sitcom, dummy) made me realise something: I'm abit (make it TOTALLY) like Phoebe. Hey you've gotta watch to understand ;D
And you know what? People still think I look like some freaking guai kind of science-loving girl -__- That's the worst thing ever because I hate scienes to the core. Maths especially.
Back to art room after PW; wasn't productive for me, sadly.
We ended up talking about ghost stories and all things scary.
There was this one Ebe told us about a girl who didn't believe in ghosts. So she was at a chalet and felt somebody tugging at her feet at night. When she pulled the blanket to see who it was, there was this girl holding a paper that read "NOW YOU BELIEVE IN ME"
ROFL RIGHT. There's a reason why I prefer thrillers to ghost stories that scare the hell outta yourself for nothing.
But anyway, I think the art rep's gonna organize and outing soon to watch a scary movie. LOL.
We had to leave the room by 5 today cause Ms Kwa had a concert to attend or something. Its okay, I'll try to concentrate tomorrrow YES I WILL.
Dumb xtrapreneur econs project to be completed by tomorrow, guess I'll try to do it tonight. Shall watch f.r.i.e.n.d.s if I have the time, because it makes me laugh like no mother.
Lastly, I played the piano again today and I still can't decide if I like music or art more ROFL. What a stupid question.
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